Big cock Angeles Cid. Yeas I have actually had people call me that. And yes on several occasions straight to my face. It kind of makes me giggle because I know that my big cock is the first thing on the guys mind! When someone starts out with Hello Big Cock Angeles Cid. I already know that I get to fuck this guys ass. Being a Hung Shemale has its perks ya know!
So anyway back to my photo below. I had this pro shot not long ago and the entire set came out amazing. I had told the photog that I was a hung shemale and he said yeah ok. No problem. However during the shoot I kept hearing him whisper Big cock Angeles Cid. In fact the first time I heard it was when this photo was snapped. Hence the more serious look. I was wondering how big his cock was and if he could really take in a hung shemale like me.
By the end of the shoot I could see that his cock was straining against his jeans. However when I offered to have some fun with him he refused to do it on camera. I told him I needed it for my fans but because he was married he said no. So I left him with a raging hardon as I walked away. After all it’s you my fans that have to come first.
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